A Sparkline is a small, generalized chart that provides a condensed visual representation of the data from which it is drawn on. They are an effective way to show trends and high level comparisons.
In Mercury, a Sparkline resides in a table-report column. This article is about creating themes at the Settings > Admin level for use in creating Sparklines from the Report Canvas and Admin Tools > Reports. Themes for each Sparkline Type: Line, Area, Bar, and WinLoss need to be established for these options to be available to Users. For more information on how to create a Sparkline from Admin Tools > Reports, please review the section on Sparklines in the article, Reports.
Creating Sparklines Themes at the Admin level allows for the standardization of property features across a suite of reporting that promotes efficient data analysis and report development. As is common, only numeric fields are available to be part of a sparkline.
Any changes made to a theme at the Settings > Admin level will affect any report the theme is being used. To avoid inappropriate changes, use the Show Dependencies feature to identify the reports that could be affected.
To identify any reports that may be affected by changes to the Sparkline Theme:
Cloning an existing Sparkline Theme is a great way to carry over property features to create variations for different uses.
From the Manage Sparkline Themes Form: