Admin Tools
Sparkline Themes
A Sparkline is a small, generalized chart that provides a condensed visual representation of the data from which it is drawn on. They are an effective way to show trends and high level comparisons. In Mercury, a Sparkline resides in a table-report ...
Database Queries for Reports and Lookups
To obtain data for your reports (and lookups), Mercury must query your database(s). Depending on the Connection used for your report or lookup, there will be one or more of the following query-types available. (For more on Connections, see Admin > ...
Each Mercury report is associated with a specific Connection, which tells Mercury what data source to use and how to talk to it. Mercury can use a variety of different data providers – everything from SQL Server to CSV text files. The exact set of ...
Manage Logos allows you to add logos to Mercury and apply them to exports and printouts. To access the Manage Logos form, click Logos on the Settings > Admin Tools ribbon. The “Logos” drop-down list in the upper left of the form allows you to choose ...
A Lookup (or Lookup-list) is a list of values from which the user chooses when running a report -- the result is used as the value of a report parameter. Lookups can be single-select or multi-select. Lookups are created and managed via Tools > Admin ...
Every Mercury user must have a corresponding User record that defines report permissions and allows Mercury to manage user-specific content such as Favorites and report-colors. Only users who belong to the built-in SYSTEM (System Administrators) ...
Manage Reports The Manage Reports form lets you create and edit reports, assign User accesses, and perform other maintenance tasks. (Note: Mercury allows users who run the report to modify the layout and save as a Favorite, so you don't have to worry ...