Shows the parameters (if any) used for creating the table report, and offers a quick way to run the same report using different parameter-values and/or a different Favorite layout (or no favorite).
Favorites (if any exist) and parameter values (if the report has parameters) are displayed in a popup screen. You can make any changes desired and run the report again.
The “New Result-Tab” checkbox controls where the results go.
Checked: the new report is created in a separate result tab. Your original result-tab remains open.
Unchecked: the report appears in the current result-tab, replacing the original results.
Expand/Collapse - Expands/hides group details in a table report.
Here’s the expand/collapse icon in the table ribbon (it’s not labeled).
The options available depend on how your report is arranged.
The first section: Collapse All Groups and Expand All Groups
These items are available when your table report has been Grouped by one or more columns. For more information on groups and subtotals in table reports, see this article.
Here’s an example of a Customer Statement report that has been grouped by DocumentType. All of the groups are collapsed – no underlying detail is shown.
Expand All Groups immediately exposes the detail for all the DocumentTypes.
The second section: Expand All, Collapse All, and Collapse All But Focused
In the example below, the “Customer Statement” table report has detail records (payments) available for some customer invoices.
After Collapse All But Focused, only the highlighted master remains expanded.
Open in Pivot
Presents your table-report data as a pivot-report, in a new result tab, ready for pivot analysis.