The Table Report Ribbon

The Table Report Ribbon


  • Run - Run the selected report (values for all parameters must be supplied for this to be enabled). See Running Table Reports for more information.
  • Print - Print the current report. See Printing Table Reports for more information.
  • Export - Exports the current report data. See Exporting Table Report Results for more information.
  • Save Favorite - Saves the current report-layout and parameter values for future re-use. See Favorites for more information.


  • Add Field - Create a new calculated field. See Calculated Fields for more information.
  • Sparklines - Sparklines are mini charts placed in single cell, each representing a row of data in your selection. See Sparklines for more information.
  • Line Number - Displays a column of line numbers.
  • Filter Row - Displays a row just below the column headers that allows quick filtering of the report’s data. See Filtering for more information.
  • Filter Editor - Shows the Filter Editor window for creating complex filter criteria. Refer to the Filter Editor section of the Filtering documentation for more information.

Customization Options

  • Auto Width - When enabled, automatically maintains column-widths to fit everything in the window without horizontal scrolling. (Columns may get pretty narrows!)
  • Best Fit - Sizes all column widths to fit their contents. (May conflict with Auto Width.)
  • Auto Scroll Bar Size - When columns are fixed in place ("frozen" so they remain visible when scrolling horizontally), auto scroll bar size enables/disables extension of the horizontal scroll bar into the frozen area. (A longer scroll bar allows finer control over the position of the display.)
  • Manage Columns - Opens the "column chooser" form.  You can show/hide columns and rearrange column order. Same as table right-click column-header ("show" / "hide" column chooser). See also Columns.


  • Total Summary - Enables/disables the Total Summary Row. Refer to Total Summary for more information.
Fixed Total Summary - Shows or hides a summary area at the bottom of the report that is fixed in place.  It doesn’t scroll either vertically or horizontally. See Table Reports > Table Reports Information > Summarizing and Grouping for information on how to use fixed totals.
  • Summary Editor - Shows Summary Editor window for specifying fields to be summarized at the group level. Refer to Group Summary for more information.

  • Group Panel - Shows or hides an area above the report grid, where you can drag-and-drop (or remove) column headers used to group and summarize your data.  See the "Group Summaries" section in Table Reports Information > Summarizing and Grouping for details on using the Group Panel.
  • Fixed Groups - When viewing large amounts of grouped data, the top row for the visible group will always be displayed as you scroll through grouped data. 
  • Footer Summary - The "Group Footer Summary" sub-heading that appears just above the images with group-panel, fixed-groups etc. should just say "Group" (to match the section label).
If you have group-by columns in effect, hiding the group panel does not remove the grouping. It just hides the panel, giving you a bit more space for your data.

Appearance Options

  • Vertical Lines - Enables/disables vertical grid lines between columns.
  • Horizontal Lines - Enables/disables horizontal grid lines between rows.
  • Even Row - Enables/disables showing alternating row shading.
  • Split - Allows you to split the grid into two independently scroll-able panes to facilitate browsing and analyzing large report results. For example, you can split the grid vertically and edit the last grid row in one pane, while simultaneously looking at the first grid row in another pane.

Selection and Navigation

  • Search Panel - Shows a search panel on the top left of the grid that allows searching for data within the grid.
  • Data Navigator - Shows a navigation bar on the bottom right of the grid that shows the position of the currently selected record and allows movement through the records.

  • Selection Mode - Determines the selection "unit" - cell, row, or multi-row.
  • Navigation Style - Determines whether the movement is cell-based or row-based.
  • Show Selection Rectangle - When dragging to select multiple items, determines whether a mouse-based rectangle is highlighted separately from the data elements (cells or rows) that are being highlighted. (Depending on your color theme, which you can change via the Appearance ribbon, the selection-rectangle may be hard to see.)

Different Params

Shows the parameters (if any) used for creating the table report, and offers a quick way to run the same report using different parameter-values and/or a different Favorite layout (or no favorite).

Favorites (if any exist) and parameter values (if the report has parameters) are displayed in a popup screen.  You can make any changes desired and run the report again.  

The “New Result-Tab” checkbox controls where the results go.

  • Checked: the new report is created in a separate result tab.  Your original result-tab remains open.

  • Unchecked: the report appears in the current result-tab, replacing the original results.

Expand/Collapse - Expands/hides group details in a table report.
Here’s the expand/collapse icon in the table ribbon (it’s not labeled).

The options available depend on how your report is arranged.
The first section: Collapse All Groups and Expand All Groups 
These items are available when your table report has been Grouped by one or more columns.  For more information on groups and subtotals in table reports, see this article

Here’s an example of a Customer Statement report that has been grouped by DocumentType.  All of the groups are collapsed – no underlying detail is shown.
Expand All Groups immediately exposes the detail for all the DocumentTypes.
The second section: Expand All, Collapse All, and Collapse All But Focused
These items are available for master/detail table reports.
In the example below, the “Customer Statement” table report has detail records (payments) available for some customer invoices.
  • Expand All / Collapse All shows or hides all the detail records throughout the report.
  • Here is Collapse All.
  • Here is an Expand All.  Note the highlighted master.
  • Collapse All But Focused – collapses all detail records *except* those that belong to the master record that is currently highlighted (or that corresponds to the currently highlighted detail record.  Details for the master are exposed, and all others are hidden.

          After Collapse All But Focused, only the highlighted master remains expanded.
Open in Pivot
Print Options Tab

The Print Options tab is described in detail in Printing Table Reports.

Presents your table-report data as a pivot-report, in a new result tab, ready for pivot analysis.
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