The Pivot Report Ribbon

The Pivot Report Ribbon


  • Run - Run the selected report (values for all parameters must be supplied for this to be enabled). See Running Pivot Reports for more information.
  • Print and Quick Print - See Printing Reports.
  • Export - See Exporting Report Results for more information.
  • Save Favorite - Saves the current report-layout and parameter values for future re-use. See Favorites for more information.


  • Add Field - Create a new calculated field. See Calculated Fields for more information.
  • Best Fit Columns - Sizes all column widths in the data area (including column-area field headers) to fit their contents.
  • Best Fit Rows - Sizes all columns in the row area (including row-area field headers) to fit their contents.

  • Field List - Shows/hides a list of fields available in the pivot report. This includes “hidden-area” fields that do not appear anywhere on the result tab. Using this list, you can move fields from one area (row-, column-, data-, hidden-) to another.
  • Prefilter - Shows the Pivot Grid Prefilter window for creating complex filter criteria. Refer to the Filter Editor section of the Filtering documentation for more information.

    Note: The prefilter is applied before the report is shown or refreshed. Therefore, pre-filtered field icons won’t have a “Filter” icon. The prefilter in effect appears at the bottom of the report results. See Filtering for more information.

Summary Options

  • Column Totals Location - Positions column-area totals (including the Grand Total) on the left (Near) or right (Far).
  • Row Totals Location - Positions row-area totals (including the Grand Total) at the top (Near) or the bottom (Far). You can also show the row field values as an indented tree-like structure (Tree).


The buttons in the Header section of the pivot-report ribbon control whether the field-icons for the various “areas” are shown, and how they are shown.
  • These buttons show/hide area field icons based on the area.
    • Row Area - Shows / hides row-area field icons. 
    • Column Area - Shows / hides column-area field icons.
    • Data Area - Shows/hides data-area field icons.
    • Filter Area - Shows/hides filter-area field icons. How the field icons are getting displayed depends on your Area bands setting, which is described in the next section.
      Note: If a field is Hidden, its icon will not be displayed even if the corresponding area is shown.
For more information on the pivot report display-areas, see Introduction to Pivot reports
For more on hidden fields, see field list in Customizing Fields,Rows and Columns

Area Bands:

The Area bands button changes the way field icons in the various pivot-report areas (row, column, data, and filter) are shown.

When the button is depressed (“on”), each area is clearly marked in its own band.

Area Bands OFF (the default)

Here is a pivot-report with the banded-area display off:

If there are a lot of fields available, this can be confusing. For example, sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between column-area and data-area icons.

Area Bands ON

Here is the report with the areas shown in bands.  (The filter-area band doesn’t have a label; the filter-area fields appear below the data-area band.) 

In either case , you can simply drag the field icons among the area-bands to rearrange your report.  

Tip: Area bands simply change the way the visible areas are shown.  Whether an area is shown or hidden is controlled by the “Headers” buttons(row/column/data/filter) as described earlier in this article.
For more information about moving fields between areas, see Pivot-report rearranging fields

For Single Values

  • Grand Total - Shows / hides Grand Total row when there is only one outermost row-area field value appearing in the report.
  • Totals - Shows/hides row-area field Totals when there is only one field value appearing in the report.
  • Accent Totals - Determines whether totals are accented (e.g. in bold).  The specific appearance may be affected by your current theme.  See Main Window > Ribbons > Appearance Ribbon for details.


  • Split - Allows you to split the grid into two independently scroll-able panes to facilitate browsing and analyzing large report results. For example, you can split the grid vertically and edit the last grid row in one pane, while simultaneously looking at the first grid row in another pane.
  • Break On Group - When you have a running total or a “variation” type of summary calculation, this determines whether the calculation continues unbroken throughout the entire report, or is reset when your outer group value changes.

    For example, say you are summarizing a sales figure in the data-area, and your column-area fields are Year and Quarter. Quarter has been created as a "Running Total" field. (For more on Running Total fields, see Creating/Editing Reports - Tools > Admin Tools > Reports; Fields tab > Running Totals and Pivot Reports > Pivot Reports Information > Calculated Fields.

    As you can see, the summary total is reset when the quarter’s outer (parent) group changes -- the Year goes from 2020 to 2021, and the Quarter from 4 to 1.

          If you change the Break on Group setting, the accumulation continues even when the year changes.

  • Fixed Row Headers - Forces all row-area field headers and values to remain visible (instead of scrolling away off the left of the page).
  • Even Rows - Enable/disable showing alternating row shading.
  • Top N Values - Shows detail for only a subset of the values.  See Top N Values.
  • Different Params - Shows the parameters (if any) used for creating the pivot report, and offers a quick way to run the same report using different parameter-values and/or a different Favorite layout (or no favorite).Favorites (if any exist) and parameter values (if the report has parameters) are displayed in a popup screen. You can make any changes desired and run the report again. The “New Result-Tab” checkbox controls where the results go.
    • Checked: the new report is created in a separate result tab.  Your original result-tab remains open.
    • Unchecked: the report appears in the current result-tab, replacing the original results.
  • Open in Grid - Shows a tabular view (a Mercury “table report”) of the data underlying your pivot report. For more on table reports, see Table-Reports

The Print Options tab is described in detail in Printing Reports.

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