Best Fit Rows - Sizes all columns in the row area (including row-area field headers) to fit their contents.
Note: The prefilter is applied before the report is shown or refreshed. Therefore, pre-filtered field icons won’t have a “Filter” icon. The prefilter in effect appears at the bottom of the report results. See Filtering for more information.
Area Bands:
The Area bands button changes the way field icons in the various pivot-report areas (row, column, data, and filter) are shown.
When the button is depressed (“on”), each area is clearly marked in its own band.
Area Bands OFF (the default)
Here is a pivot-report with the banded-area display off:
If there are a lot of fields available, this can be confusing. For example, sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between column-area and data-area icons.
Area Bands ON
Here is the report with the areas shown in bands. (The filter-area band doesn’t have a label; the filter-area fields appear below the data-area band.)
Break On Group - When you have a running total or a “variation” type of summary calculation, this determines whether the calculation continues unbroken throughout the entire report, or is reset when your outer group value changes.
For example, say you are summarizing a sales figure in the data-area, and your column-area fields are Year and Quarter. Quarter has been created as a "Running Total" field. (For more on Running Total fields, see Creating/Editing Reports - Tools > Admin Tools > Reports; Fields tab > Running Totals and Pivot Reports > Pivot Reports Information > Calculated Fields.
As you can see, the summary total is reset when the quarter’s outer (parent) group changes -- the Year goes from 2020 to 2021, and the Quarter from 4 to 1.
If you change the Break on Group setting, the accumulation continues even when the year changes.
The Print Options tab is described in detail in Printing Reports.