Introduction to Table Reports
A Table report presents data in a simple tabular layout, similar to an Excel worksheet.
Unlike Pivot reports, Table reports do not allow you to have multiple levels of row or column breakouts, or exchange rows and columns.
But you can still do a lot: you can reorder columns, sort data, group (with group-totals), and include grand totals. You can add new calculated fields, conditionally format, and more.
Table Reports have two other advantages:
- They are simpler. If you don’t need to create a multi-level row or column breakouts, or turn your columns into rows (or vice-versa) then table reports will do fine.
- They are very fast, even faster than pivot reports, especially for extremely large data sets.
Two Types of Table Reports
Table reports come in two-flavors: single-level and multi-level. A single-level table report contains only one table of data. A multi-level report contains more than one table of data and lets you link one to the other.
For example, you might have a set of invoice-headers and a set of line-items. Your report could show each invoice-header followed by its associated line-items.
Here’s an example of a single-level table report. 
A multi-level table report - often called a “parent-child” or a “master-detail” report - contains more than one related table of data, and allows drill-down from one level to the next.
Here is a 3-level master / detail report showing some fictional customer activity. For each customer there is a set of related documents (e.g. invoices), and for each invoice there can be an associated set of related payments. 
Drilling down into one of the customer rows by clicking on one of the “+” icons, we see Documents, presenting a table of the documents that are associated with the customer.

Drilling down into the last Documents row reveals the Applications (e.g. payments) belonging to the associated Document.

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