Exporting Table Report Results

Exporting Table Report Results

This article is about exporting report results - saving report data in another format (Excel, PDF, etc).

Mercury also offers another type of export - exporting the report definition.  You might wish to do this for backup purposes or for subsequently importing into a different installation of Mercury. This type of export is done via Tools > Admin Tools > Reports.

This article describes the standard method for exporting report results, which uses the ribbon controls. There is also an export available via the "Print Preview" window.

The print-preview export operates slightly differently than the method described here and, in some cases, may offer a different set of export options.

If you want to export via Print Preview, click

Use the "Export" button in the ribbon to export your report results.  You’ll find the export button in two places:
  • the Home tab of the main window.  
  • the report’s own ribbon tab (the Pivot Report or Table Report tab, as the case may be).

The Home ribbon tab

The Pivot Report ribbon tab  (Table Report tab not shown)

There are several export types available.  

When you choose an export type, you’ll see a window similar to the one above. You specify the name of the output file (or browse to select it) and whether you want the file to be automatically opened after it’s created.

You can expand More Options for additional control over the export (click on the triangle to expand/collapse).

The specific options available depend on the export format. 

You may be offered options for controlling the export layout (e.g. if Excel, do you want explicit gridlines?) and possibly a set of options for specifying header/footer content.

Excel "More Options" - Export Options tab

Excel "More Options" - Header & Footer tab

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